Posts Tagged ‘internet’

We live in an age of unbridled creativity. The combination of freely available software, processing power and the access to pretty much the entirety of human knowledge and artistic history, means that our horizons are endless. We can make anything and yet it seems that most often we use memes to make the same statement or joke.

I have no objection to the Be like Bill one in principle but seeing it so many times in so many different variations over the last few days did make me think that if he was real he would have had a complete personality collapse. I suppose its impossible to please all of the people all of the time


Glitch Bill

I just saw Phil Lewis‘s site and I think I can still see the colours in the background of my screen. I love the idea of combining old techniques with new technology, and this guy does it so effectively. Reminds me a lot of 60s Psychedelica but with a destinctively modern feel. Good for you sir

As you may be able to see is now live… welcome.

Click the link to the right to go to the download section where you can find free Dataphiles downloads (as well as pay-per-download high quality versions).

Love and peace

I’m getting some tracks mastered and various bits and pieces sorted to launch the (hopefully swanky) website. It’ll take this blog as its centre and have the music pages hosted by bandcamp. Watch this space for more info.